N头条>英语词典>pain sensation翻译和用法

pain sensation

英 [peɪn senˈseɪʃn]

美 [peɪn senˈseɪʃn]

网络  痛觉; 痛感觉; 疼痛感觉; 疼痛觉



  • a somatic sensation of acute discomfort
    1. as the intensity increased the sensation changed from tickle to pain
    Synonym:painpainful sensation


  • The compression of the dorsal branch of the ulnar nerve should be considered to the patients with ulnar wrist pain and abnormal sensation along the dorsal ulnar side of hand.
  • Primary sensations ( pain sensation, thermal sensation, taction and vibration sensation) and senior sensations ( substance sensation, stereognosis, weight sensation, painting and calligraphy, and skin moving direction sensation) were examined in all patients.
  • The function of posterior group of nuclei in thalamus on reception of pain sensation
  • It was showed that NADPH-d and AChE Coexisted in most of the neurons in the dorsal root ganglion, which suggests that NADPH-d and AChE, double-stained neurons, may be related to transmission of pain sensation.
  • In 2 weeks after surgery ( before sutures out), less regional symptoms, such as pain, foreign-body sensation, tearing, were observed in the suture group ( P 0.01).
  • Thirteen cases repaired with non-innervated flaps and full-thickness grafting showed deep pain sensation, and over the 1-2 cm area coverage around the flaps there was light touch sensation.
  • Association of blood glucose fluctuation with the pain sensation in patients with painful diabetic neuropathy
  • The results suggested that VPL may be involved in the modulation of pain sensation by simultaneous electric activities of PEN and PIN in VPL.
  • Excellent relief of pain and cold sensation was observed immediately after the procedure.
  • Vibratory and pain sensation thresholds for 433 healthy workers without history of vibration exposure in one factory were studied.